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Welcome, Santpreet!
November 2023
Santpreet has joined the Beaudry Group. Welcome, Santpreet!

Congratulations Tucker and Evie!
September 2023
Tucker and Evie successfully completed their oral preliminary exams and are now PhD candidates. Congratulations to both of you!

Congratulations Evie!
June 2023
Evie was awarded the N. L. Tartar Summer Fellowship for her research progress. Congratulations, Evie!

Welcome Jonathan
January 2023
A new undergraduate has joined our group. Welcome, Jonathan!

Congratulations Gary!
December 2022
Gary has successfully defended his PhD thesis, and welcomed a baby along the way! Congratulations, Dr. Points!

Welcome Seth
October 2022
Seth has joined our group. Welcome Seth!

Congratulations Ryan!
September 2022
Ryan successfully defends his PhD. Congratulations, Dr. Kim!

Welcome Leo
June 2022
A new undergrad has joined our group for the summer. Welcome Leo!

Congratulations E, Gary, and Tucker
June 2022
Congratulations to E for receiving the Ingram award for outstanding work in first-year courses and graduate responsibilities! Great job E!
Congratulations to Gary and Tucker for receiving the Milton-Harris summer fellowships!

Welcome Venky!
June 2022
A new post-doc has joined our group. Welcome Venky!

Congratulations Ashley
June 2022
Ashley successfully graduates with her MS. Congratulations Ashley!

Congratulations Dr. Zhang!
March 2022
Xiaojie successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations Dr. Zhang!

Congratulations Patrick
December 2021
Patrick successfully graduates with his MS! Congratulations Patrick!

Welcome Esteban!
November 2021
E has joined our group this year! Welcome!

Congratulations Gary!
August 2021
Gary's paper was accepted into Organic Letters. Great work Gary!

Congratulations Ai!
March 2021
Ai has successfully defended her MS defense. Nice job, Ai!

Regioselective Synthesis of Benzofuranones and Benzofurans
March 2021
Xiaojie's paper was accepted in the Journal of Organic Chemistry. Great work Xiaojie!

Intramolecular Pyridinium Oxide Cycloadditions: A Systematic Study of Substitution, Diastereoselectivity, and Regioselectivity
January 2021
Louis and Patrick's paper on pyridinium oxide cycloadditions just appeared online in Chem. Eur. J. Great work Louis and Patrick!

Welcome Evie, Tucker, Ashley, and Kik!
January 2021
Four new members have joined the group this year. Welcome!

Regioselective Formation of Substituted Indoles: Formal Synthesis of Lysergic Acid
September 2020
Gary and Kenneth's paper on indoles and lysergic acid just appeared online. Great work Gary and Kenneth!

Our NIH R01 grant on our Cephalotaxus alkaloids was funded!
July 2020
Awesome work everyone!

Synthesis of Highly Substituted Phenols and Benzenes with Complete Regiochemical Control
July 2020
Xiaojie's synthesis of phenols and benzenes is published in Organic Letters. Great work Xiaojie!

Our NSF Grant was renewed
July 2020
Great job everyone!

Welcome Ai!
October 2019
Welcome Ai! Ai has joined the group and is working on the Diels-Alder furan synthesis project.

Synthetic Studies Toward Bazzanin K: Regioselective and Chemoselective Three-Component Suzuki Coupling
August 2019
Xuan, Marshall, Peng, Patrick, and Frank's three component suzuki coupling paper is published in JOC! Great job everyone!

Welcome Noah!
July 2019
Welcome Noah! Noah has joined the group and is working on the cephalotaxine project.

Total Synthesis of Leuconoxine, Melodonine E, and Mersicarpine via Radical-Translocation Cyclization Cascade
July 2019
Ryan and Drew's total synthesis of Leuconoxine, Melodonine E, and Mersicarpine is online! Great job Ryan and Drew!

Congratulations Xuan!
May 22, 2019
Xuan successfully defended her Ph.D. Thesis! Congratulations Dr. Ju!

Total Synthesis of (–)-Cephalotaxine and (–)-Homoharringtonine via Furan Oxidation-Transannular Mannich Cyclization
March 2019
The total synthesis of (–)-Cephalotaxine and (–)-Homoharringtonine was accepted by Angewandte. Great job Xuan!

Welcome Patrick and Trevor!
October 2018
Two new members, Patrick and Trevor, have joined the group. Welcome!

Congratulations Dr. Lu
Louis successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations Dr. Lu!

Congratulations Kenneth
Kenneth graduates from OSU with his B.S. degree. Good luck at Princeton University

Farewell Drew
Farewell Drew! Good luck at UC Irvine in the Prescher Lab.

Farewell Peng
Peng defends his Ph.D. Great job and good luck in Overman group at UC Irvine!

Welcome John!
Dr. John Sirois joins the group. Welcome John!

Total Synthesis of Goniomitine
Jessica's paper is accepted in Organic Letters. Nice work Jessica!

Chris receives tenure at OSU
Congratulations to the group and thanks for all the hard work!

Farewell Jessica
Jessica defends her Ph.D. Great job and good luck at Stratos Genomics!

Farewell David
David defends his thesis and is off to the Sigman group at Utah. Farewell David!

The Development of Carbon–Carbon Bond Forming Reactions of Aminal Radicals
David's full paper is accepted in Tetrahedron. Nice work David!

Farewell Frank
Dr. Frank Dyer takes a job at Moses Lake Industries. Good luck Frank!

Synthesis of Bis(indole) Alkaloids from Arundo donax
Jingjin and Drew's paper appears in Angewandte! Nice work guys!

Total Synthesis of Russuphelol
The total synthesis of russuphelol appears in Organic Letters. Great job Quamar!

Farewell Quamar
Farewell Quamar! Good luck at Scripps Florida in the Disney Lab.

Enantioselective synthesis of cavicularin
2014-07-11 13:39:02
Peng's paper on the enantioselective synthesis of cavicularin is accepted in Angew. Chem.! Nice work Peng!

Congratulations Marshall
2014-07-11 13:38:05
Marshall graduates from OSU with his B.S. degree. Good luck at UC Irvine!

Congratulations Dr. Salih
2014-07-11 13:35:49
Quamar successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations Dr. Salih!

Welcome Frank!
2014-07-11 13:35:01
Dr. Frank Dyer joins the group. Welcome Frank!

Mechanism of Racemization of the DAEHs
2014-04-12 19:20:54
Our collaboration with the Cheong group is in OBC.

Reductive Synthesis of Aminal Radicals Paper
2014-03-03 10:16:43
Our reductive method to generate aminal radicals is in Org. Lett. Congratulations David and Louis!

Group Bowling
2013-11-20 13:14:17
The group goes bowling


Group Summer BBQ
2013-09-29 15:51:32
The summer group BBQ was held at Avery park this year.


Enantioselective Ullmann Paper
2013-08-15 11:22:12
Quamar's enantioselective Ullmann paper is accepted to Organic Letters. Congratulations Quamar!

Welcome Jingjin!
2013-08-15 11:21:28
Dr. Jingjin Chen joins our group. Welcome Jingjin!

Congratulations Quamar
2013-05-14 17:06:13
Quamar passes his oral exam, nice job!

Congratulations Jessica
2013-05-14 17:04:32
Jessica passed her orals, nice work!

Garuganin and Garugamblin papers
2013-05-01 10:36:40
Congratulations to Zhi-Qiang, Quamar and Ed for the nice work on the JOC article

Cavicularin Paper
2013-01-09 12:22:20
The Synthesis of Cavicularin is Online. Congratulations Peng!

Aminal Radical Paper
2012-11-30 10:21:39
Our Aminal Radical Paper is Online. Congratulations David and Jessica!

Down the Willamette River
2012-08-31 16:17:27
Group summer outing this year. Right before we put in.


Scholarships and Awards
2012-07-16 13:58:34
Congratulations to Tartar scholarships awardees David and Jessica. Congratulations to Quamar for being awarded the Milton Harris fellowship and Peng for being awarded the Benedict Award.

Congratulations David!
2012-07-16 13:16:32
David passed his oral exam. Nice work David!

New Paper
2012-07-16 13:14:54
Quamar's paper is published in Org. Lett. Congratuations Quamar!

HHMI Award
2012-05-16 15:46:24
Taylor Reeves has won a HHMI scholarship at OSU. Congratulations Taylor!

Welcome Taylor!
2012-04-25 17:55:21
Taylor Reeves joined our group. Welcome Taylor!

Scholarships and Awards
2011-11-11 15:34:21
Congratulations to Tartar scholarships awardees Corey and David. Congratulations to Jessica for being awarded the Milton Harris teaching award.

New group members
2011-11-11 15:29:23
11/01/11 Drew Ferriera joined our group.
10/01/11 Zhi-Qiang Zhu joined our group.

First Paper
2011-11-11 15:28:25
Our first paper is published online in J. Org. Chem. Congratulations Sam!

Welcome the new Graduate Students
2010-11-17 09:34:17
Three new group members, Edward, Zhenhua, and Peng have joined the group.

2010-11-17 09:31:13
Here is the link to the inventory.

Annual Group B.B.Q.
2010-07-16 09:52:30
The Annual Group BBQ was held at Avery park.

Scholarship Winners
2010-06-20 21:23:41
Congratulations to Corey, David and Jessica for being awarded the Tartar Fellowship.

New Website Launch!
2010-05-04 15:11:26
We've just launched a new website to keep you informed of new updates and how our research is progressing. Check out the "Join" page if you're interested in joining this research group.